The Professional Affiliation aims to grant admission and international endorsement of professionals who work in the areas and disciplines of Coaching, Counseling, Human and Social Sciences, Brief Therapies, NLP, Hypnosis, Eriksonian Hypnosis, Psychotherapy, etc. through a professional membership certficate. The professional affiliation does not constitute employment relationship of any kind with AEAPro.
The professional affiliation application must be submitted by the owner of the documents, which must certify that the applicant has the proper training in the areas and disciplines of Coaching, Counseling, Human and Social Sciences, Brief Therapies, NLP, Hypnosis, Eriksonian Hypnosis, Psychotherapy, etc. as appropriate.
☑ Form FA001 - Formal Membership Application
duly completed and signed.
☑Form FA003 -CoachingClient Sheet
duly completed and signed (requested only for professionals graduated from educational centers not accredited by AEAPro).
☑ Affiliation in Pre-professional Category: Accredit and justify between 60 - 169 hours of proven training.
Affiliation in Professional Category: Accredit and justify more than 170 hours of proven training.
Personal identity document (Photocopy of DNI / NIE / Passport).
☑Diplomas and academic certifications related to the discipline.
Professionals graduated from AEApro Certified Educational Centers
1. Request the following forms to
a. FA001 - Formal Membership Application
2. Send to
the personal documentation and forms received duly completed and signed.
a. FA001 - Formal Membership Application
b. CE002 - Ethical Commitment
c. Photocopy of identity document or passport.
d. Photocopy of academic certificates and diplomas.
Professionals graduated from Educational Centers not certified by AEApro
1. Request the following forms to
a. FA001 - Formal Membership Application
b. FA003 - Coaching Client Sheet
2. Send to
the the personal documentation and forms received duly completed and signed:
a. FA001 - Formal Membership Application
b. FA003 - Coaching Client Sheet
c. CE002 - Ethical Commitment
d. Photocopy of identity document or passport.
e. Photocopy of academic certificates and diplomas
F. Curriculum Vitae - CV.
3. Once the documents have been reviewed and analyzed, AEAPro issues a resolution with the approval or rejection reasons of the application.
a. In case of rejection, AEAPro will notify the interested party the reasons for the rejection.
b. In case of approval, subsequent administrative procedures regarding to the professional membership process will be indicated.